When are you getting married?

One of life’s biggest decisions is marriage. Starting off well vs starting negatively can impact self, body, mind, heart and others. “When are you getting married?” being a great question to ask to promote gossip, solidarity and conversation secretly also creates pressure in young South Asian women, fathers of brides and culture.
This episode takes you through the complicated decision of marriage asked by an easy question. What entails saying yes? And what is life like post wedding festivities?
In this episode of “The Courage to Identify” Podcast, I will be answering one of the most common questions that every person on the planet faces at some point: “When are you tying the knot?” Whether you are single, dating, engaged, or married, people always seem to be curious about your relationship status and when you plan to take the plunge.
Women have changed from years and centuries ago thanks to technology, career access, evolution of culture, freedom of self, practicing human rights and much more. When women have changed, their responsibilities and priorities have changed, is it relevant to expect women to take this life decision lightly? Is it relevant to ask today’s women to follow traditional societal expectations of marriage?
Listen to the full episode of “The Courage to Identify” Podcast playing everywhere podcasts are streaming.